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The Scantron for Essays

Your Grading Co-Pilot

Grade essays faster than ever with Smart Annotations, Grade Prediction, Plagiarism Check and AI Detection.

GradeAssist App Preview

Smart Annotations

Save time grading while providing even richer feedback using Smart Annotations. GradeAssist analyzes the text with precision, cross-referencing the teacher's rubric to pinpoint successes and areas for improvement.

Grade Prediction

Save time calculating a student's final grade and back it up with a detailed breakdown of your rubric. Instantly get a Grade Prediction with high accuracy using your criteria. Take back control of your time and grading with GradeAssist.

Plagiarism Check

Promote academic integrity by leveraging our built-in Plagiarism Check and Citation technology. With GradeAssist, you have all the necessary tools integrated into your grading co-pilot for seamless plagiarism check.

AI Writing Detection

Safeguard academic integrity with our built-in AI Writing Detection technology, helping you discern Human-written texts, even from partially written AI-texts. No need to go looking for an AI writing detector — GradeAssist has the tools you need, integrated into your all-in-one grading co-pilot.

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